Your Partners in Safe Driving

Frequently Asked Questions
We have compiled answers to some of the most frequently asked questions. We are dedicated to maintaining this list up-to-date, so if you have further inquiries, please feel free to contact us. Your satisfaction is important to us.
How do I book a first trial lesson
Please send us an email or text. Make sure to include your address, phone number, and availability (please provide at least two date and time options). We will respond to you within one business day.
Do lessons include pick-up and drop-off?
We offer convenient pick-up and drop-off services at your location or the nearest SkyTrain stations. Enjoy a hassle-free travel experience with us!
What types of payment do you accept?
We currently accept cash and e-transfer.

How many pieces of identification do I need to bring for my tests?
Can I turn right on a red light?
What is the speed limit inside the city?

In the province of British Columbia, you must bring government photo identification, proof of identity, age, and residency in British Columbia.
Yes, you can turn right on a red light unless signs prohibit it.
To turn right at a red light you must first come to a complete stop at the correct stopping position.
Give way to all other road users.
When the way is clear, you can proceed.
If you're uncomfortable turning on a red light during a road test, you can wait for the green.
The speed limit in cities and towns in British Columbia is 50kph unless otherwise posted.
In other words, if there aren't signs stating that the speed limit is different, then travel at 50kph.
And for your road test, travel at either the posted speed limit or the flow of traffic - whichever is less.

How long do we stop at a STOP sign?

Will the examiner tell me to move right after turning left?

Do I need to parallel park?

We DON'T stop for a length of time at a STOP sign before proceeding.
Rather, we bring the vehicle to a complete stop at the correct stopping postion.
After stopping at the correct stopping postion, treat the intersection as a yield, give way to all other road users, and then proceed.
The examiner will NOT tell you to move to the right lane after turning left. You must do that automatically.
Only if the examiner tells you to turn left in the next couple of blocks, then you stay in the left lane.
OR the road that you're on narrows to one lane and you have to merge left.
Slower traffic must stay right - this applies to all traffic in the city and on the highway.
And because you are going to be traveling the speed limit for your test, you are going to be traveling slower than the traffic flow.
In the province of British Columbia, you are required to parallel park for your road test.

Can I use my backup camera for my rooad test?

Do I have to shoulder check for my road test?

Where do I stop at an intersection?

You CAN use a backup camera for your driver's test.
You just CAN'T use it as your primary line of site.
You check the backup camera as you would check your mirrors before reversing.
Do a 360° scan around your vehicle before putting the vehicle in motion. In other words, look all around the vehicle before backing.
For the duration of your backing, you will be looking out the rear window.
You must shoulder check 2X every time you turn, every time you move the vehicle sideways.
If you fail to shoulder check for a road test, you will NOT be successful.
Or worse, you could be involved in a crash and risk injury or death!
At a controlled intersections, you stop:
2) before the crosswalk line or the sidewalk.
3) If those conditions don't exist, then you stop before where the two roads meet.
In other words, just before entering the intersection

Which lane do I turn into after turning right and there are parked cars in the right lane?
When turning right and the lane is blocked, turn into the next lane. Make sure you yield the right of way to the vehicles on that lane.
Can I pull up and correct when parking?

Yes. You get one pull-up on a slow-speed- or parking maneuver.
After the one correction, you will be assigned demerits.
In some instances, it may be better to be a bit farther from the curb, or not quite centered in the parking space than risk "mucking" it up further on a correction.
Will the driving examiner try to trick me?
No. Driving examiners know that you're nervous and they know that you don't have a high skill level.
They are not going to trick you and endanger both their safety and that of other road users
What if I try to merge onto the freeway and other cars won't let me?

When merging onto a freeway, you have to floor the accelerator (push it right to the bottom) to get the vehicle up to speed as quickly as possible.
As you're coming out on the onramp and out onto the acceleration lane, pick your spot and aim for that spot.
Other drivers will help you out as much as they can.
However, know that the onus of responsibility is on the merging driver.
Pick your spot, get the vehicle up to speed, and don't hesitate.
Should I stop if the traffic light turns yellow?
Do I have to stop for emergency vehicles?

Yes. You should STOP unless you already reached the point of no return so that you need to proceed through the intersection.
Yes. You must pull over to the shoulder of the road and come to a STOP as soon as you see the emergency vehicle.
If you're at an intersection, often your best option is to stay stopped and the emergency vehicle will find its way
Do I have to signal when parking?

Will the driving examiner do a pre-trip inspection before going on the test?

Yes. Signal any time that you turn, or move the vehicle sideways.
And signal both when moving forward and when in reverse.
One of the fundamental components of a road test is to communicate effectively with other road users.
There will be a mini pre-trip inspection on your vehicle to ensure the lights work, the registration is up to date, and other functionalities.
It's also recommended that you wash and vacuum out your vehicle.
Remember: you don't get a second chance to make a first impression.
Where should I stop in traffic?

When stopped in traffic, stop so that you can see the tires of the vehicle in front making clear contact with the road surface.
With this landmark, you'll have approximately one vehicle length between your vehicle and the vehicle in front.
And if the vehicle in front breaks down, you can get around without reversing in traffic.
When should I signal for my driving test?

Do I have to shoulder check on left hand turns?

What are some of the automatic fails on a road test?

As a general rule, you should signal approximately 1/2 block before the turn.
The only time you may signal at a shorter distance is if it might confuse other road users.
Before making lane changes, you must signal a minimum of 3 flashes on the turn signal before moving the vehicle. And keep your signal on until you're completely in the other lane.
You should shoulder check on the left-hand turn to see pedestrians, other vulnerable road users, and those drivers that may cut on the inside.
• Driving into an intersection you cannot clear.
• An action contrary to a regulatory sign.
• Speeding in a 30kph zone.
• Striking a fixed object.
• Driving in a manner that causes another driver to take evasive action.
• A driving action that causes the driving examiner to intervene and take control of the vehicle.
• Backing up at an intersection.